четверг, 21 марта 2013 г.

The letter

Dear future Dima
Here I am in 2013 and there you are in 2020. I’m writing to see how you are doing and because you might appreciate a friendly message from the past.
These are the things I expect you’ll be doing. You’ll probably be working in your family’s business; you might even be managing one of family shops yourself by then. I hope very much you’ll be enjoying the work but I also hope you went into business because you wanted to and not because you were expected to.
Maybe your life will have turned out quite differently. You could have gone in Shanghai and worked in that logistic company you were always talking about with your friend John and maybe you’ll have made millions dollars contracts and will be the rich president of the company. Yeah, I like the sound of that! But somehow, I doubt it.
Here’s some advice and good wishes from ‘present me’ I hope by now you will have quit smoking. You need to study hard if you want to be an intelligent person and you have to work all hours of the day and night in order to make money now! Remember to keep in touch with your family and friends so as to have people around you who know what you’re really like. Let’s phone up one of them now!!!
Well my dear friend, I wish you had done a lot of good things for other people!!!
Look after yourself and love every moment of your life!!!

The best age 20

The best thing about being 20 is living anywhere you want. To be honest, I prefer going out and enjoying myself. I’m happy because I managed to pass my summer set of exams, though it wasn’t easy. I feel the world is my oyster. I have many dreams and I strongly believe I can achieve anything I want. Another good thing for me is that I don’t look my age, I still look quite young for my age, and girls think I’m immature but it’s not so. I reckon that there’s plenty of time ahead of me, time for trying out lots of things to see and do which I enjoy and develop lots of general skills.
But there are some things that I’m worried about. It is my future career and my future family. I don’t think of myself as ready for getting married. To put it bluntly, I don’t think about it at all, I’m too young. I reckon I need time to know myself, and to understand my life well enough, and be able to create an unhealthy environment for the child.